Connect Quackback with Discord
Connect Quackback with Discord to manage feedback directly in your community server.
Streamline your feedback workflow
Get feedback notifications and collaborate with your team directly in Discord
Bot integration
Our Discord bot delivers feedback notifications and enables quick responses right from your server.
Channel management
Organize feedback by type with automated channel routing. Keep product feedback, bug reports, and feature requests organized.
Webhook support
Set up custom webhooks to get notifications in any channel with rich embeds and detailed feedback information.
Role-based access
Control who can view and respond to feedback with Discord's role system. Keep sensitive feedback private when needed.
Simple setup process
Add the bot
Invite the Quackback bot to your Discord server with proper permissions.
Set up channels
Choose which channels should receive different types of feedback.
Configure permissions
Set up role-based permissions for viewing and managing feedback.
Start collecting
Your Discord server is now connected and ready to receive feedback.
Get started with the integration
Connect Quackback with Discord in just a few minutes.