
Connect Quackback with GitHub

Turn feedback into GitHub issues and manage product improvements directly from your repositories.

Streamline your feedback workflow

Get feedback notifications and collaborate with your team directly in GitHub

Issue creation

Automatically create GitHub issues from feedback with customizable templates and labels.

Repository sync

Link feedback to specific repositories and keep issue status in sync across platforms.

Project integration

Connect feedback with GitHub Projects for better roadmap planning and prioritization.

Commit tracking

Track which feedback items have been addressed in code commits and pull requests.

Simple setup process


Install GitHub App

Add the Quackback GitHub App to your organization or selected repositories.


Configure repositories

Choose which repositories should receive feedback as issues.


Set up templates

Customize issue templates and configure automatic labeling.


Start tracking

Your feedback will now automatically sync with GitHub issues.

Coming Soon

Get started with the integration

Connect Quackback with GitHub in just a few minutes.